24 december 2010

Vrolijk Kerstfeest!

(kalkoen: now remember, the kote gaishi technique can come in handy, especially at christmas, when you're more likely to come face to face with a knife)

16 december 2010

Aikido dancing ;)

Tenderness, playfulness and fierceness: an exploration

These past few months, I have been thinking about the use of energy in daily life and Aikido. I decided to write down some of these thoughts, even though they are far from coherent. So as you read this, please consider this as a work in progress and an exploration.

Exam pics

These pictures were taken by the partner of Monique, who did her 2nd kyu exam. If anyone else has any pictures, let me know!

13 december 2010

Cleaning and Exams!

On Sunday we had the traditional dojo cleaning and kyu exam combo. As always, we scrubbed, dusted, shined and re-organised to our heart’s content. Who ever knew our windows could be so clear?! The dojo looks brand new again, so thank you to everyone who chipped in.

At 16:00 sharp the exams began, this time in a slightly different format and with a new kyu system in place. Patty and James judged the lower kyus and Francisca Sensei and Robert Sensei examined the higher kyus. Master of ceremony Ilja kept the proceedings on track using two watches and a bronze bell.

While the exam board was deliberating, Erik, Arnoud and Ilja gave a short demonstration of sword katas from the Kashima school, which we practice on Thursdays and Sundays. These lessons complement one’s Aikido practice, so everyone is encouraged to try them out.

Then it was the time for that most anticipated of moment: the results. Everyone got personal feedback from the exam board and some suggestions for further learning. As it emerged that everyone had passed, nervousness gave way to joy and pleasure. It was wonderful to see how everyone had progressed!

Congratulations to:

- Miguel, Emiel, Felix, Ron, Raymond and Frederik (6th kyu)
- Lei Yan, Alain (5th kyu)
- Peggy, Arnoud and Felicia (4th kyu)
- Erik (3rd kyu, so he now gets to wear hakama)
- Monique and Ashika (2nd kyu)

Once the official exam was over, there was time for the traditional communal meal. There were homemade dishes, delicious sweets and an assortment of drinks. It was a good way to end the day and to move into the last week of practice before the holidays.

6 december 2010


getekend door: Felicia en Eric
Heb je ook een mooie Aikido tekening of een leuk verhaal voor ons blog? Stuur deze dan door of geef deze af in de dojo.


Kangeiko is een budo traditie waarbij mensen het nieuwe jaar beginnen door een paar dagen lang 's ochtends vroeg in de kou te trainen. Het is een fijne en verkwikkende manier om het jaar te beginnen met iets waar je van houdt.

Wil je meedoen? Meld je dan aan via franciscasensei@gmail.com

Kangeiko is a tradition in budo whereby people start the new year by practicing in the early morning cold for a a few days. It's wonderful and energising to start the new year by doing something you love!

Want to join in? Then please sign up by mailing franciscasensei@gmail.com

Schoonmaak, examens en samen eten

Op zondag 12 december maken we vanaf 13:00 met zijn allen de dojo schoon. Deze wordt gedurende het jaar al zo schoon mogelijk gehouden door vrijwilligers, maar twee keer per jaar krijgt de dojo een grote beurt. Dat is praktisch - een schone ruimte is fijner en gezonder om in te trainen - maar is ook een uiting van de gemeenschap die wij zijn. Dus toon je waardering voor de dojo en kom allemaal meehelpen.

Na de schoonmaak is er een korte training en starten de kyu examens om 16:00. Afhankelijk van het aantal kandidaten zal het examen ongeveer een uur duren. Daarna vieren we de examens, de schoonmaak en het einde van het jaar met een lopend buffet. Wil iedereen iets van eten en drinken meenemen? Zaken als salades, zoetigheid en gerechten voor vegetariƫrs worden altijd op prijs gesteld, net als exotische gerechten uit verre oorden.

On Saturday the 12th of December from 13:00 onwards we will come together to clean the dojo. Volunteers keep the dojo as clean as possible throughout the year, but twice a year we clean the place thoroughly. This is practical - it's nicer and healthier to practice in a clean space - and it's an expression of our sense of community. It's also a good way to show your appreciation to the dojo, so your attendance is appreciated.

Once we're done cleaning we'll have a short practice, after which the kyu exams will start at 16:00. Depending on the number of candidates, all exams combined will take around an hour. After that we'll celebrate the exams, the cleaning and the end of the year with a running buffet. Can everyone take some food or drinks? Salads, sweets and dishes for vegetarians are all highly appreciated, as are exotic dishes from faraway places.

Vakantie en winterschool

De dojo is dicht van 18 december tot 2 januari. Van 27 tot en met 31 december is er wel de DAF winterschool. Voor meer info zie de vorige post.

The dojo will be closed between December 18 and January 2. The DAF winterschool will be held between December 27 and 31. For more information see the previous post.

1 december 2010

Winterschool Wilko Vriesman

In december wordt weer de winterschool gehouden onder leiding van Wilko Vriesman. Deze is van 27 december tm 31 december. Kijk voor meer informatie op de agenda van de DAF site.