28 oktober 2010

16 oktober 2010

Beef - The Art Of Peace (o sensei)

Een liedje van de Nederlandse band Beef, de gehele tekst bestaat uit uitspraken van o-sensei


13 oktober 2010

Herfstvakantie kids

Herfstvakantie kids valt samen met die van aikido voor de kids tot 12 jaar, namelijk van zaterdag 16 tot en met zaterdag 23 oktober.

Alle andere trainingen gaan wel gewoon door (m.u.v. Katori op dinsdag dan).

10 oktober 2010

Onregelmatig Katori op dinsdag

Tot nader bericht gaat om rooster technische redenen de Katori training op dinsdag avond voorlopig niet altijd door. Houdt dit blog in de gaten voor updates.

7 oktober 2010

Heihō kadensho

Also known as 'The Life Giving Sword'.
This is a translation of an important classic on Zen swordfighting. Yagyu Munenori was so widely renowned that he was appointed official sword instructor to two Tokugawa shoguns. (The position was always coveted by Miyamoto Musashi, but he never succeeded in gaining the post). Yagyu's style is known as the Shinkage-ryu style, for centuries the official style of the Tokugawa dynasty. His spiritual mentor was Zen priest Takuan. (And is therefore especially interesting to read in relation to The Unfettered Mind) Here, Yagyu's Buddhist spirituality is clearly reflected in his central idea of the "life-giving sword" - the notion of controlling an opponent by the spiritual readiness to fight, rather than during the fight. His mastery of restraint and diplomacy made him a trusted political and military advisor to the shoguns. This book is a look into a master swordsman's thoughts on nonattachment and even non-violence.

"You attain the victory by having your opponent make the first move."

> Lees het boek online
(in het Engels, 145p.)

5 oktober 2010

Schedule change, part II

Last month, we announced that Anni and Francisca Sensei would swap classes on Friday and Monday. This will not happen after all. So Anni will continue to teach the Friday evening class and Francisca Sensei will continue to teach on Monday evening.